Appellant’s reasons for late employment insurance benefits application weren’t justifiable

Public law – Social programs – Employment insurance

On March 30, 2017, appellant renewed application for employment insurance benefits. Appellant later backdated application to April 17th, 2016. Social Security Tribunal (SST) refused to backdate application. Appeal Division confirmed SST decision that appellant did not have justifiable reasons for having made late application for employment insurance benefits. Appellant brought application for judicial review of decision. Application dismissed. Appellant did not provide justifiable reasons for having made late application for employment insurance benefits Appeal division provided sufficient reasoning for dismissal of appeal.

Szabo c. Canada (Procureur général) (2020), 2020 CarswellNat 207, 2020 CAF 33, Johanne Gauthier J.A., Donald J. Rennie J.A., and George R. Locke J.A. (F.C.A.).

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