Personal injury

Ontario Superior Court affirms Crown's immunity from compelled discovery in highway collision case

Ontario Superior Court affirms Crown's immunity from compelled discovery in highway collision case

The case arose from a series of accidents on the Trans-Canada highway during a winter storm

Superior Court awards substantial indemnity costs in motor vehicle accident case

Superior Court awards substantial indemnity costs in motor vehicle accident case

Damages won for loss of care, guidance, companionship, household services, financial support

Brampton nightclub to face trial over alleged overservice of alcohol before car crash

Brampton nightclub to face trial over alleged overservice of alcohol before car crash

A toxicologist's report suggested the driver had been drinking at the club: court

Ontario Superior Court restores personal injury case to trial list after years of delay

Ontario Superior Court restores personal injury case to trial list after years of delay

The plaintiff contributed to the delay, but the defendants and trial court were mainly responsible

Howie Sacks & Henry pulls back curtain on personal injury law with The Ambulance Chasers? podcast

Howie Sacks & Henry pulls back curtain on personal injury law with The Ambulance Chasers? podcast

'Our work changes lives — it’s worth talking about,' say hosts Paul Miller and Renée Vinett

Ontario Superior Court rejects plaintiff's multiple lawsuits over denied accident benefits

Ontario Superior Court rejects plaintiff's multiple lawsuits over denied accident benefits

She sought $50 million in damages following a motor vehicle accident