Superior Court upholds arbitrator's refusal to hear grievances alleging unsafe work requirements

Superior Court upholds arbitrator's refusal to hear grievances alleging unsafe work requirements

Legal doctrines barred the four grievances, arbitrator finds

Ontario Superior Court rejects builder's bid to overturn arbitration award

Ontario Superior Court rejects builder's bid to overturn arbitration award

The developer attempted to appeal an arbitration decision when no right of appeal existed: court

Ontario Court of Appeal voids arbitration award over reasonable apprehension of bias

Ontario Court of Appeal voids arbitration award over reasonable apprehension of bias

The court rejected the claim that the tribunal's unanimity negated the impact of the bias

Separated couples officially treated as divorced on effect of succession law change

Separated couples officially treated as divorced on effect of succession law change

A requirement in the amendment was fulfilled on January 1

Jeffrey S. Leon retires from Bennett Jones

Jeffrey S. Leon retires from Bennett Jones

The former senior partner will concentrate on his arbitration and mediation practice

Ontario Court of Appeal clarifies standards for arbitrator impartiality in a franchise dispute

Ontario Court of Appeal clarifies standards for arbitrator impartiality in a franchise dispute

The arbitrator accepted a separate mandate for an unrelated case