Collective agreement made matter arbitrable

Ontario civil | Civil Practice and Procedure

Disposition without trial

Stay or dismissal of action

Collective agreement made matter arbitrable

Insured received long-term disability (LTD) benefits from insurer under group policy through her employment on basis of collective agreement. When benefits were terminated, insured brought action against insurer. Insurer brought motion to dismiss action on basis that court lacked jurisdiction. Motion judge granted motion and dismissed action on ground of lack of jurisdiction. Judge held that collective agreement made matter arbitrable. Insured appealed. Appeal dismissed. Fact that LTD benefits were paid under insurance policy did not change fact that insured’s entitlement to LTD benefits was provided by collective agreement. Collective agreement established insured’s rights to LTD benefits and covered terms, amount, definition of total disability, and referred to policy. Jurisdiction over dispute belonged to arbitrator.
Barber v. Manufacturers Life Insurance Co. (2017), 2017 CarswellOnt 2631, 2017 ONCA 164, H.S. LaForme J.A., S.E. Pepall J.A., and G. Pardu J.A. (Ont. C.A.).

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