Appeal from sentence

Ontario criminal | Criminal Law

Post-trial procedure

Appeal from sentence
Trial judge improperly recorded absence of remorse as aggravating factor

Accused was sentenced to five years and three months imprisonment. Accused appealed from conviction and sentence. Appeal allowed in part. On sentence appeal, accused was entitled to pre-trial custody credit on 1.5:1 basis. Trial judge explicitly, and improperly, recorded absence of remorse as aggravating factor. Credit for 305 days of pre-sentence custody awarded. On remorse issue, sentence reduced by three months, to five years. No issue arose with forfeiture order or order made under s. 161 of Criminal Code. Trial, including sentence, was completed under 30 month ceiling suggested in 2016 Supreme Court of Canada judgment, and did not breach s. 11(b) of Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
R. v. Kidd (2016), 2016 CarswellOnt 15971, 2016 ONCA 757, MacPherson J.A., Epstein J.A., and Lauwers J.A. (Ont. C.A.).