Alex Neve, secretary general of Amnesty International Canada, bows out after two decades

Neve has helped in more than 40 delegations to 20 countries

Alex Neve, secretary general of Amnesty International Canada, bows out after two decades
Alex Neve

Alex Neve, secretary general of Amnesty International Canada’s English branch, has decided to step down from the position he has held for two decades. 

Effective June 30, 2020, Neve will be leaving the role “to pursue other opportunities,” announced Amnesty’s board of directors in a news release. The board expressed gratitude to Neve for his leadership, which was a constant in the face of major changes experienced by the organization these past 20 years, including tripling in size and widening its mandate to encompass “all human rights, including economic, social and cultural rights.”

Neve has helped in more than 40 delegations to 20 countries and has served as the spokesperson of the organization before national media and before audiences during events such as rallies and conferences. Aside from his work with Amnesty, Neve has also chaired the board of the Canadian Centre for International Justice and has sat on the boards of Partnership Africa Canada and of the Centre for Law and Democracy.

He holds law degrees from Dalhousie University and the University of Essex, as well as an honorary doctorate of laws degree from the University of New Brunswick. 

In a letter published in the same news release, Neve acknowledged the various obstacles to the protection of human rights in this day and age, including “the harsh realities of climate change, conflict, racism and inequality.” He emphasized, however, that the essential goal of universal human rights was still within reach. 

Neve said that “all around us there is an unstoppable force of outrage on the march, there is unflinching resistance in frontline struggle and there are profound lessons of humility and justice when we truly listen to and learn from those who have the most to teach.”

Lana Verran, president of Amnesty International Canada’s English branch, said that, while the organization would miss Neve, who always brought “boundless energy, passionate commitment and inspiring vision for the future” to the table, it wished him the best in his future undertakings. 

Amnesty is now looking to recruit the next secretary general for its English branch. The deadline for applications is on Feb. 25, 2020.

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