New online tool fills information gap left by government, says Samfiru Tumarkin

Firm develops interactive database to aid individuals with basic employment law queries

New online tool fills information gap left by government, says Samfiru Tumarkin
Samfiru Tumarkin

Samfiru Tumarkin LLP has launched an online employment law resource known as Pocket Employment Lawyer.

According to a statement from the firm, Pocket Employment Lawyer is a free interactive resource that analyses aspects of employment rights such as calculation of severance pay, legitimacy of a termination "for cause,” proper independent contractor status, long term disability claim acceptance, and other human rights violations or workplace harassment.

The firm says the tool is helpful as the Ministry of Labour cannot assess or advise employees with respect to many other vital aspects of the employment relationship — other than if vacation or overtime pay is owed.

“It provides a legal assessment of an employee's situation, that would otherwise only be available through a consultation with a lawyer," said Lior Samfiru, partner at Samfiru Tumarkin and national practice leader of its labour and employment law division.

In 2013, Samfiru Tumarkin launched a severance pay calculator that allows employees and employers to quickly determine the amount of severance pay owed upon termination, outside of the minimum amounts dictated by the Employment Standards Act, the statement said, adding that the calculator has been used over 1 million times. In the past, the firm has sued Ontario's labour ministry for providing negligent advice to employees.

Samfiru Tumarkin has offices in Toronto, Ottawa and Vancouver.