Nine new judges appointed to the Ontario Court of Justice

The new appointments are effective July 11

Nine new judges appointed to the Ontario Court of Justice

The Ontario government has announced the appointment of nine new judges to the Ontario Court of Justice.

Justice Michael Boyce

Justice Michael Boyce, who was called to the bar in 2003, began his career as an articling student in the Ottawa Crown Attorney’s Office and served as an assistant Crown attorney in Ottawa for over 20 years. He prosecuted complex cases, including homicides and child abuse. In 2023, he became acting counsel to the director of operations for the East Region at the Ministry of the Attorney General. Justice Boyce has also provided mentorship and education to assistant Crown attorneys and co-founded the Crown Summer School Child Abuse Course. Chief Justice Sharon Nicklas has assigned Justice Boyce to Ottawa.

Justice Lisa Maurene Miles

Justice Lisa Maurene Miles was called to the bar in 1994. Her career includes roles as a junior defence counsel, duty counsel for Legal Aid Ontario, and legal counsel for the Children’s Aid Society of Ottawa. She served as an assistant Crown attorney in Ottawa, appearing in various specialized courts, including Mental Health, Drug Treatment, and Indigenous Peoples’ Courts. Justice Miles has been involved in mentoring programs and volunteered with organizations such as the Salvation Army Bail Program and the Elizabeth Fry Society. Chief Justice Nicklas has assigned Justice Miles to Ottawa.

Justice Caolan Moore

Justice Caolan Moore, called to the bar in 2009, started his career with internships at Legal Aid Montreal and the United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda. Before returning to Canada as a criminal defence attorney, he practised commercial law in Paris. Most recently, he served as a bilingual assistant Crown attorney in Toronto. Justice Moore has mentored young Crown attorneys and volunteered as a judge for mock trials. Chief Justice Nicklas has assigned Justice Moore to Toronto.

Justice Shauna Pemberton

Justice Shauna Pemberton, called to the bar in 2002, began her career advocating for child refugees in South Africa. In Canada, she has practised as a criminal defence lawyer and served as a panel lawyer with the Office of the Children's Lawyer. Justice Pemberton has been recognized for her contributions to youth justice and has been involved with numerous organizations, including the Ontario Court of Justice’s Youth Bail Committee. Chief Justice Nicklas has assigned Justice Pemberton to Brampton.

Justice Peter Scrutton

Justice Peter Scrutton, who was called to the bar in 2006, has experience as a law clerk and Crown counsel, most recently serving as chief counsel for the Major Auto Theft Prosecution Response Team. He has taught criminal law at Osgoode Hall Law School and has mentored numerous law students and new lawyers. Chief Justice Nicklas has assigned Justice Scrutton to Toronto.

Justice Anil Neil Ranji Singh

Justice Anil Neil Ranji Singh, called to the bar in 2008, initially practiced criminal defence before joining the Newmarket Crown Attorney’s Office and later the Ministry of the Attorney General’s Guns and Gangs Unit. He has extensive volunteer experience mentoring students and preparing meals for the homeless. Chief Justice Nicklas has assigned Justice Singh to Brampton.

Justice Louis Strezos

Justice Louis Strezos, called to the bar in 1994, has operated a private practice focusing on criminal and regulatory law. He has co-authored a prominent text on Canadian criminal evidence and has been a leader in legal aid reform. Chief Justice Nicklas has assigned Justice Strezos to Toronto.

Justice Seth Weinstein

Justice Seth Weinstein, called to the bar in 2000, practised criminal law and provided independent legal counsel to the Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario. He has been involved in continuing education for lawyers and has volunteered extensively in his community. Chief Justice Nicklas has assigned Justice Weinstein to Toronto.

Justice Alayna Janai Vivienne Woodley

Justice Alayna Janai Vivienne Woodley, called to the bar in 2009, has practised criminal, child protection, and family law. She has been a per diem Crown attorney and has served as an agent for the Children's Aid Society. Justice Woodley has focused on empowering youth through education and advocacy. Chief Justice Nicklas has assigned Justice Woodley to Brampton.

The new appointments are effective July 11.

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