LSO ‘actively’ pursuing online bar exams, live convocation technology

Another technological project for the law society is the public broadcasting of Convocation

LSO ‘actively’ pursuing online bar exams, live convocation technology

The Law Society of Ontario confirmed to Law Times that online bar exams are under consideration, as aspiring lawyers try to navigate delays created by social distancing precautions.

On the law society website, the LSO notes it is “unable to confirm future events,” including the rescheduling of the cancelled March 2020 solicitor licensing examination, the cancelled June 2020 barrister licensing examination and the cancelled June 2020 solicitor licensing examination

As things stand, these tests may be rescheduled to the weeks of July 19, August 23, and Sept. 6, respectively, but may not move forward until fall 2020.

However, notes from an April 15 weekly phone call — including participants from the Ontario Bar Association, Federation of Ontario Law Associations, LSO, Legal Aid Ontario, the Advocates’ Society, Ontario Trial Lawyers Association  Superior Court of Justices in Ontario, Court of Appeal for Ontario, Ontario Court of Justice, and Ministry of Attorney General of Ontario — said the LSO is “currently working on alternative options — including online bar exams.”

The law society pointed Law Times toward its online guidelines, which say it is: “actively exploring online delivery options to ensure that candidates who were registered for the March Exam as the last component of their licensing process are afforded the opportunity to meet the requirements to be licensed without unnecessary delay.”

Another technological project for the law society is the public broadcasting of Convocation board meetings. An April 23 meeting was not available for public viewing because the LSO is “still establishing the optimal technological solution to support the meeting.”

“It is our intention to allow the public to view the meetings as they happen. We are working on solutions for this,” said Jennifer Wing, LSO senior communications advisor, in an email to Law Times.