LSO introduces changes to 2021 summer student recruitment procedures in light of COVID-19

LSO is staggering its application process for second year students

LSO introduces changes to 2021 summer student recruitment procedures in light of COVID-19

The Law Society of Ontario has amended its summer student recruitment procedures for 2021 in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

First, the LSO is abridging recruitment timelines and staggering its process for second year students by asking employers to collect applications on two separate dates, depending on whether the students fall under Group A or under Group B. This separation, which does not prioritize either group, is based on factors such as the expected release of a school’s fall semester grades and whether the school conducts on-campus interviews.

Group A includes second-year applicants from Dalhousie University, Lakehead University, McGill University, Queen’s University, Thompson Rivers University, University of Alberta, University of Calgary, University of British Columbia, University of Victoria, University of Windsor and Western University. Group B includes second-year applicants from Osgoode Hall Law School, University of Ottawa, University of Toronto Faculty of Law and schools not previously mentioned, as well as National Committee of Accreditation candidates.

For Group A, employers should set the deadline for applications not earlier than Jan. 18, 2021, at 5:00 p.m. For Group B, employers should set the deadline for applications not earlier than Jan. 25, 2021, at 5:00 p.m. On the other hand, for first-year applicants, employers should set the deadline for applications not earlier than Feb. 5, 2021, at 5:00 p.m.

Second, the LSO’s procedures contemplate that all on-campus interviews will be held remotely for 2021. The LSO notes that using remote interviewing methods may promote equitable access among participants who are impacted by the public health crisis. However, the LSO does not regulate the manner by which these interviews will be held.

Third, the recruitment for first year students and for second year students will be done concurrently, for increased efficiency. This change does not affect the total number of slots available to students.

The LSO introduced these amendments to give employers more time to review and assess applications and to give law schools more time to schedule interviews. The LSO requires adherence to these procedures under Rule 6.2-1 of its Rules of Professional Conduct.

The LSO consulted with stakeholders among employers, law schools and students to make these changes. The LSO website directs questions to [email protected].