Letter: Apathy not the only factor in low voter turnout

With respect to your June 29 story, “A closer look at law society voting patterns,” I would respectfully point out a fact that might have caused some of the decline in the vote during the Law Society of Upper Canada bencher election.

In the 2015 election, the vote was almost solely electronic. Only those voters without an e-mail address would receive any ballot other than an electronic one.

Unfortunately, the ballot e-mail came from Computershare and not from the law society itself. Add to that the fact that it was clearly a bulk e-mail and it is likely that many copies went to junk or spam folders rather than the inbox.

In some firms, lawyers are not permitted access to their junk or spam folders. Those lawyers might never have seen the ballot at all.

Although I believe your reporting was fair, it is possible that there are factors other than apathy at play in the low voter turnout for the 2015 bencher election.
Janis Criger,
Bencher, central south