Information and Privacy Commissioner hunts for public transparency projects

IPC will showcase selected submissions next year

Information and Privacy Commissioner hunts for public transparency projects
Patricia Kosseim | Image credit: Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario’s website

The Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario (IPC) has launched a transparency challenge, urging public institutions to share their projects that support government transparency.

The challenge was an IPC initiative for Right to Know week and aligned with “privacy and transparency in modern government,” one of the IPC’s strategic priorities for 2021 to 2025.

“Transparency is critical to our democracy,” Commissioner Patricia Kosseim said. “It helps people better understand how government decisions are made and the policies and issues that affect them.”

The challenge called for programs that improved government transparency and civic engagement. The IPC encouraged using visuals or videos, as selected submissions would be featured in the IPC’s transparency showcase next year.

“We hope organizations will get excited about this opportunity and rise to the challenge,” Kosseim said. “The intent is for the transparency showcase to illustrate compelling examples and encourage others towards greater openness. It’s also a way to increase awareness and understanding of the benefits of open data in improving the day-to-day lives of Ontarians.”

The challenge is open to provincial and municipal-level public sector institutions in Ontario, subject to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Submissions close on January 13, 2023.